These are SO great. A friend sent them to me. I think THIS one is my favorite...lol!
This is the site for an "average" ~ whatever that means)overscheduled/over-extended/stressed/never-desperate/multiple-personality- mom/wife/friend-on top of that laundry list I'm a case manager with a MS in ed working on a credential in school psychology, specializing in advocacy and research for better teaching methods for learning disabled children. I also like to journal my life, memoirs, family stories, pics, rants, views, jokes, passions, interests etc~this is all a part of who I am.
Hi blogger:)
It was a pleseare reading Ur web blog from the comfort of my notebook.. We only bookmarked it.. Basically the info is very interesting and there are no exagerated popups bla bla...... We work at night and We find it very entertaining to take some time and learn something new each day:)
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thanks! sorry I never replied to this until now, just a hobby. My mom and gram's died in 2006, then we moved from California to Vermont this year...so this has put a damper on my "blogging" so I'm hoping to get back into it. Just the rants, idea's, thoughts, memories, journaling, etc.
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