Hi everyone - Sorry it has been a while since I have posted. I have been busy with many issues including job searching, getting the kiddo's back in school, and re-establishing my graduate studies. Plus I haven't been able to jog/run due to a back injury which has been depressing. Otherwise...
I have to mention that we should all be praying, donating, and doing anything we can to aid the people of New Orleans. What a horrific mess. Everyone seems so surprised that something like this can actually happen on "U.S. Soil"...I'm not. Look at our "leadership", look at where our country has been headed. If this is our response to a national disaster on our own soil (one where we cannot "blame" another country or "foreign" people) then what will happen in the future? You say we will learn from our mistakes? Oh really? Well it hasn't even been 30 years since Viet Nam ended...what are we doing again?
Anyway, I'm not going to rant. I just want to say that I am as sickened as everyone by what is happening. I can NOT imagine what they are going through. Put your own family into this situation. It could easily be ANY one of us and may still be. We are not protected anymore just by being "on U.S. soil". Our leadership or whatever it is... is not and will not be here "for the people". If they can't "control" us (i.e. push us back and herd us as we watch our children and family members die due to lack of water and disease running rampant in a disaster situation) what can we expect for the future?
The future is grim...the people existing (they are not "living" by any definition) in New Orleans right now are showing us our future. We don't need a crystal ball - just access to a TV or Computer where we can watch it on a live CNN feed.
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