Oct 23/2005
Hi everyone in blogland and sorry for the long absence. I've been busy with the usual, kids school stuff, my own school work, housework (although not a LOT of this, lol!) etc., etc., etc. Anyway, I just wanted to drop a line and a link to a blog that I recently read. It deals with racism and stupidity (which pretty much go hand in hand). It notes the movie "Crash" and if you haven't seen this movie yet...RUN don't walk to the nearest video store, rent it, watch it. Its one of the best movie's I've seen in a long time. Not just because it tackles difficult questions that deal with race. But also because it tackles every-day lives. It addresses the fact that there's always a story-behind-the-story. I often remind myself this when someone angers me for whatever reason, they cut me off in traffic, another mom in a PTO meeting makes an offhand cruel remark, I meet someone and for whatever reason...they rub me the wrong way. There's always a story-behind-the-story. Maybe the person in traffic just recieved a bad phone call - someone died. Maybe the alpha-PTO mom left behind a fulfilling career to make a home and hearth, raise the children, and just realized her husband is boffing his 22 year old co-worker. There's always a story, a picture-behind why someone "is" the way they "are". Just something to think about. Have a good week...
Sorry for off topic, but 2012 is close, is this really matter?
thanks for post.This article translate for me, my friend Marko
greetings from Camp from Thailand
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