Saturday, February 05, 2005

This is me, Haden, & Tristan snowboarding at Jay Peak in Vermont (I'm really not this fat...I swear-its the 15 layers of clothes I had on because its FREAKING COLD THERE!) Anyway, about snowboarding...if you try to learn in your 30's its a VERY humbling experience. We all had a great time and the kids and Jim are good snowboarder's...however, I'm still learning. But it is fun and a lot of exercise. My muscles hurt for about a week AND I had to fly back to California (non-stop) with a donut pillow behind my neck and taking about 5 extra strength aspirin every hour...but it was worth it *smile*. Our 12 yr old (Haden) indicated "God look PATHETIC!" Ah yes...the innocence and sweetness of children - don't worry...I found a way to ground him from his skateboard later *evil laugh* Posted by Hello

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