Saturday, February 05, 2005

New to Blogging & Intro

Well I loved the idea of creating a "family journal" for our children and I got the idea from the hilarious blogger Tinsley so here I am. I'm a 32 year old transplanted okie living with my dear-hubby and 3 kiddo's in Tehachapi, CA (pronounced TAHAACHOPEE). Its a small mountain community about 2 hours north of LA-LA Land (LA). My husband Jim (36) is a transplanted Vermonter and we met while we were both in the Air Force stationed in South Dakota (long story which I may or may not relay later). We have 3 children (2 boys and 1 princess) - Haden (12) - Tristan (8) - and our princess Katherine (2). I am crazy-busy most of the time so I'm not sure yet how I'm going to find time to add another activity...but I'll try. I really like the idea of journaling for future generations. I really wish I had something like this to look back on my younger years as well as my parents, grandparents, etc. Tinsley's story about his grandfather brought tears to my eyes (seriously) as it reminded me so much of my visits to my paternal grandparents in Oklahoma. Well, here I go...

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