Top left is me and my mom; circa 1974 or 75? Top Right is one of the happiest times in my life so far. From left is Tristan (in backpack), Jim, Haden, Me, and Grandma in front of the glass church in Bella Vista. It's a beautiful place. When I was a little girl I wanted to be married in that church. This picture was taken shortly after I was re-assigned to a special-duty assignment in Oklahoma City (with the Air Force) and I was close to family for the first time since I had left home to join the Air Force - 7 years previously. I was stationed there for two years and was able to spend a lot of time with Grandma and everyone else, and I'll always be grateful for those years (1997-1999). In this picture Haden is about 4 years old and Tristan is almost a year old. Jim and I were 29 and 25 respectively. Grandma would have been about 70. She was very healthy and active until she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2002. Against her better judgement she allowed them to perform a masectomy and remove 11 lymph nodes. After that her health gradually deteriorated. The lump that was diagnosed as "cancerous" had been on her breast for several years. To this day I wonder if it should have been left alone. I guess there is no use in wondering about the past. It is something we can never change.

Top Left is Grandma (on Right) and friend at left. I'm not sure who the friend is but she (eerily) looks like one of my friends (heidi). Anyway, I think Grandma (not a grandma at this point) was about 17 in this picture. On the top right is a picture taken when she was about 15. Bottom right is a picture taken with her namesake, our daughter Katherine, named after Grandma. I think this picture was taken on a visit in 2002.
1 comment:
This is great info to know.
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