Hey everyone - sorry for the long absence from blogland again, however I've been back to work full time so things have gotten crazy busy again. I just wanted to drop a few lines and wish everyone a happy 2006. We stayed home this year and ended up counting down the new year about 27 times because our 3 year old daughter thought it was hilarious. YES - I LET MY THREE YEAR OLD stay up and count down the new year...aren't I a TERRIBLE mommy?! LOL! Don't worry...I cut her off after 2 glasses of champagne...you know how toddlers get when they drink...but that's for another blog.
Anyway, as I was filling out Haden's birthday card (Haden is my first-born who happens to have the COOLEST birthday date of January 1st) I was getting pretty introspective because he turned 13 today. I was looking for a fitting quote for his card and I came across this one by Mark Twain:
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. "And while I had SOME reservations about putting a quote in my 13 yr old son's card that pretty much told him to do whatever he wanted...I decided that this was very fitting. I'm 33 now and when I look back over the last 20 years I will testify that this is definitely THE gospel truth. So....as we enter the new year, remember this - we live our lives by moments-make every moment count.
Best Wishes for 2006.